Amman Marka International i عمّان

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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JordanAmman Marka International


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22, Al Mataar St, 11134, عمّان, JO Jordan
kontakter telefon: +962 6 567 9467
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.9748491, Longitude: 35.9832471

kommentar 5

  • Nui Kirana

    Nui Kirana


    It's good in design but always feeling like in smoking room, not much shopping choice.

  • ManchesterUtd20Times



    This Airport is very nice looking and beautiful. They do need to clean the outside area as it is dirty at times but other than that I really liked the airport it was very good and nice staff and very organized.




    The airport was founded in 1950 by the British as a joint military civilian airport.[4] In 2009, Jordan Airports Company officially assumed managerial and operational responsibility for Amman Civil Airport. The company is also entrusted with the development of 6,000 Dunums around Queen Alia International Airport. It mainly serves now as a regional airport servicing domestic and nearby international routes, as well as charter and private VIP flights. In coordination with international specialized consultants, the company has prepared a comprehensive master plan for Amman Civil Airport, which includes several capital projects. The company began the implementation of the first phase of the master plan to develop the facilities at the Airport; in 2012 the VIP Lounge was renovated and operated in a new spirit and a new level of services to position it as one of the most exceptional VIP Terminals in the region. In 2013 the new airport entrance project was delivered and in October 2013 the works started to rehabilitate the arrivals terminal and expand the duty-free shops at the airport, in addition to other several infrastructure and air side projects. The airport is the home to airlines such as Royal Wings, Jordan Aviation, Arab Wings, and Petra Airlines, and is operational 24 hours a day

  • Abed Abu Shmais

    Abed Abu Shmais


    If its the last airport on earth to Travell from then, go a head. It is most likely a military airport, thats why you will feel frustrated.

  • Ahmad AL-Zaben

    Ahmad AL-Zaben


    Great experience ,, not like the main airport (OJAI ) but its good for small companies to tourists

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