Al-Pasha Turkish Bath i Ammán

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JordanAl-Pasha Turkish Bath


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Ammán, Jordania
kontakter telefon: +962 6 463 3002
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Latitude: 31.9475739, Longitude: 35.9286979

kommentar 5

  • Claudio Bocchini

    Claudio Bocchini


    Bellissima esperienza, non ero mai andato in un bagno turco e se mi ricapiterà spero sia ancora così. Ambiente con sapore antico, gli uomini dopo le 16 e l’ingresso comprende scrub, massaggio, bevande mentre si è immersi nella vasca caldissima, bagno di vapore , sauna, teli e ciabatte. Due tre ore di assoluto relax. Da provare .

  • Fadi Saadeh

    Fadi Saadeh


    Good enough place. Very clean. The best thing about this place that it is not very crowded. Though, The service is not that professional.

  • Alaa Alshaikh

    Alaa Alshaikh


    Relatives and i had a great time at al-pasha Turkish bath, their reasonable prices, and very exotic experience make it a five star experience

  • Reema Rahman

    Reema Rahman


    What an amazing cultural and touristy experience. Aside from the body scrub and amazing environment the massage is healing! Must do if you are in Amman Jordan. The price includes a massage if you are lucky ask for a free face scrub too.

  • Scott Crooks

    Scott Crooks


    Marvelous experience! I was a first timer, and they were very nice and accommodating. Make sure to bring swim shorts, a change of clothes for afterwards, and to drink plenty of water before and during the experience.

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