The Relax Time de Amman

JordanieThe Relax Time


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37, Abdullah Ghosheh St, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 7 9646 0665
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.964624, Longitude: 35.855847

commentaires 5

  • en

    Marwan Msallam


  • Fares Adayleh

    Fares Adayleh


    Good massage, clean and tidy place. Ladies aren't trained well to deal with serious cases, they're more into doing relaxing massage only. Besides that staff doesn't speak English nor Arabic. Place smells strange, may be because of Chinese food being eaten there. I found 25 JD for 1 hr session too expensive!

  • سامر المشارقه البطوش

    سامر المشارقه البطوش


    اسعار متوسطه بالساعه 25 دينار والخبره "جيد" بعد الساعه 11 بصير السعر 30 !!!!! بعد مايسكر والمساج من الخلف فقط

  • Mohammad Abusamak

    Mohammad Abusamak


    Very clean place. Workers are somewhat professional It is not a place for kinky minds If you have a foot problem that needs physiotherapy or reflexology then go there Downside : language barrier and some lack experience

  • ar

    Abood Almashhrawi


    اسعارهم متوسطة بس ما عندهم خبرة في المساج مساجهم جدا عادي

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