Solace Skin Care Center de Amman

JordanieSolace Skin Care Center



🕗 horaire

9, Complex No 9 Street، Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 6 551 2332
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9764014, Longitude: 35.8638537

commentaires 5

  • en

    Gazal Qasem


  • en

    Abeer Altaher


  • aayesha que

    aayesha que


    Excellent experience, had facial it was quite soothing and relaxing, staff is professional and welcoming, place is clean and Mesmerizing

  • Salwa Qattan - Kaoukji

    Salwa Qattan - Kaoukji


    Very clean & neat place. Celebrating their 5th year anniversary now, the place looks brand new. Reasonable prices, excellent variety of non invasive skin care services. Owner is a biologist & always around, differenciating her from other beauty care center owners who might be mere business women. Love the service & my nails are still perfect at almost 10 days now.

  • banan gharaibeh

    banan gharaibeh


    Been going to Solace for a while, professional staff and lovely calming relaxing.

SPA la plus proche

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