Tea Time Cake de Amman

JordanieTea Time Cake



🕗 horaire

Wadi As-Seir, Amman, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 7 9105 1111
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9733421, Longitude: 35.8413693

commentaires 5

  • Ahmad Abbadi

    Ahmad Abbadi


    Is this cheesecake heaven on earth? Might be! I have tasted cheese cake from different countries and different restaurants, and tried genuine NY baked cheese cake. This amazing place got me back there with the first bite! Amazingly executed NY baked cheese cake. They had an offer cake + drink for 3.5 JODs (tax and service included), and cheese cake + drink for 4 JODs. I got a NY baked cheese cake and my friend went for a Nutella cake. We just kept talking how good the cakes were. Every bite was incredibly enjoyable and satisfactory. The tea was also nice with some expensive and organic options ❤ Highly recommended for anyone with a sweet tooth, or wanted to enjoy a great desert. Very cozy as well.

  • Anas Mahameed

    Anas Mahameed


    Simply amazing

  • Rula ZK

    Rula ZK


    Very cute & yummy shop

  • Yassmen Yousef

    Yassmen Yousef


    Yummy 😍♥️

  • Munif D

    Munif D


    Good choice

Boulangerie la plus proche

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