Pie and wonders de עמאן

JordaniePie and wonders



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עמאן, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 7 9098 8991
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9734886, Longitude: 35.841621

commentaires 5

  • Dima Azazi

    Dima Azazi


    I think those guys make best pies and cheesecakes in Amman. What’s in the photo is a cheese, half strawberry and half mango. Cheesecakes get prepared fast but pies around 25 minutes so i would recommend that you call and order it before going. They have outdoor tables .

  • Joshua Novak

    Joshua Novak


    Home-cooked pies and cakes. They have pecan, pumpkin, cheesecake and more. Also they serve Shepards pie, chicken pot pie and other meal pies. Good prices and the decorations will send you back to Alice and Wonderland

  • en

    Rana Farah


    The staff are great so is the coffee. But I might give this place another try. Because so far what i tried was okay. I only tried a couple of dessert pies. None of the savoury ones as they make them on request and could not wait long for one. I tried the cheesecake pie & the Banoffee. The crust was a flaky crust instead of a short crust which was a bit unusual and unexpected for dessert pies. Moreover the pie filling for large size pies was too runny to enjoy fully. Once you cut a piece our Banoffee filling came running out and it was very messy.

  • Ayyash Ayyash

    Ayyash Ayyash


    Oh wow! super delicious, well done, pies

  • Anas Hijjawi

    Anas Hijjawi


    المكان جدا لطيف! الديكور رائع و مسلي و مريح! الفطائر خرافيين كتيير

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