Tallet Jalad restaurant de Эль-Балка

JordanieTallet Jalad restaurant



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contact téléphone: +962 7 9766 1166
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 32.1396613, Longitude: 35.7875012

commentaires 5

  • Omar Johary

    Omar Johary


    المكان اكتر من رائع و اطلالته جميله جدا

  • Ray si

    Ray si


    If I could give this place -10 stars I would. The WORST experience I've ever had in Jordan ever ever ever. You're better off eating thrown out McDonald's from the garbage. The food was AWFUL. The juice was warm and had no taste, the hummus was literally like eating glue paste, the plates were tiny, everything thrown around carelessly, and to make it even worse, extremely rude and totally checked out staff. I ordered something 10 times, I never ever got it and they had the audacity to put it on their outrageous bill. I will never ever ever go back and if they're affiliated with the ministry of tourism I fully intend on submitting a complaint

  • Yaser Abuhmaid

    Yaser Abuhmaid


  • en

    Ahmad Mansour


  • Elie Nashef

    Elie Nashef


Restaurant la plus proche

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