OAk Restaurant & Cafe' de מחוז בלקא

JordanieOAk Restaurant & Cafe'



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מחוז בלקא, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 7 7984 8791
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 32.1203165, Longitude: 35.6842992

commentaires 5

  • Ahmad Eriqat

    Ahmad Eriqat


    It’s a perfect place to relax and enjoy the delicious food and view around you

  • Haitham ALTaweel

    Haitham ALTaweel


    Nice view and place but not good for food only coffee

  • ar

    فادي المناصير


    من اروع الاماكن اطلالة رائعة على الاغوار وعلى جبال فلسطين استقبال رائع وا اطعمة لذيذة جدا جدا ويتميز بالماكولات اللبنانية والنكهات المتنوعة واهم شيء نضافة وسرعة الخدمات وإتقات العمل 😗

  • en

    Salah Arafeh


    Food is not so good, the menu is very limited, you just come to enjoy the view and your order takes a lot of time

  • Deya Alkhatib

    Deya Alkhatib


    I would say it's one of the best places I've ever seen in Jordan. The view, the cozy vibe, the service and great hospitality are amazing and wonderful! If you have a company or a family with you, there is a selected area for that. The menu has a long, awesome list; including, the cold beverages as well as the hot ones, the Mediterranean dishes that include Kabobs, BBQ, Hummus and many others. I am not a smoker, but many of my friends recommended the Hookah there! So if you are a Hookah-smoker, it's the perfect place for you!

Restaurant la plus proche

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