Shahrayar Indian Restaurant مطعم شهريار ماكولات هندية de Amman

JordanieShahrayar Indian Restaurant مطعم شهريار ماكولات هندية



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Al Thaqafeh St, Amman الشميساني, شارع الثقافة، Amman, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 569 9004
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9682543, Longitude: 35.8991595

commentaires 5

  • en

    Usha Venkata Rao


    North-Indian cuisine, generous portions, fair choice of vegetarian dishes, personalised service, friendly people. Gulabjamun is expensive.

  • Haitham ALTaweel

    Haitham ALTaweel


    One of the best Indian restaurants in Jordan with very delicious food with different options, the restaurant is quite not crowded the area is crowded but in weekends not and they have valet and parking. The service is excellent and the staff very supportive and helpful. The prices is cheap compared with other indian restaurants and other restaurants and they different dishes with high quality food

  • Rauf Babar

    Rauf Babar


    Good food and friendly staff. I really enjoyed all food I came regularly for 3 days during my stay in Amman. As I checked all Indian/Pakistani restaurants during my last trip I will give them 5 stars

  • Allan Hu

    Allan Hu


    Lovely place with great food and fantastic owner. Would recommend every time :)

  • Sufyan Jabr

    Sufyan Jabr


    Great place, great taste... I just hope it will maintain its quality and prices.

Restaurant la plus proche

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