Mandalin Resturant de Amman

JordanieMandalin Resturant



🕗 horaire

Al-Sharif Abdul Hamid Sharaf Street, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 566 8823
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.968219, Longitude: 35.896291

commentaires 5

  • جوري النعيمي

    جوري النعيمي


    إستقبال جيد تعامل لطيف

  • ar

    Happy Iland


    جميل جداا

  • Maha Daoud

    Maha Daoud


    Lovely area for smokers mostly they serve argela (shisha) snacks and food in additional to frish juices and smothes The food are good but unfortunately you won't be able to have the same cusian taste every time for my experience I requested spaghetti the first time it was good the second time was spicy any how it seems they don't have a stapulity in serving so they might change the chef or not follow the same receipts The service is good the waters are great For sandwiches dishes I suggest to deliver friesh with them Note: the fries been good

  • Taymour Saghah

    Taymour Saghah


    I've tried the food, it's good but not amazing!

  • Khaled Farid

    Khaled Farid


    Good place to take your breakfast

Restaurant la plus proche

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