Парк Амман Мартирс de Амман

JordanieПарк Амман Мартирс



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Заран, Амман, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9440968, Longitude: 35.8723635

commentaires 5

  • Rami Ghandour

    Rami Ghandour


    Good place for the family

  • ar

    Ali Masafat


    مكان رائع للاطفال

  • ar

    Basel Buss


    في هاذا المكان تجد الهدؤ والراحة والاسترخاء ومكان عام لترفيه الاطفال في العاب مميزة وحديثة تنمي العقل للاطفال ويستمتع بها الاطفال بشكل جيد وهي آمنة جدا لا يوجد اي خطورة في اللعب وشكرا

  • Osama Mutawe

    Osama Mutawe


    Great place to take the kids to. Nice and Clean with safe playgrounds for the kids.

  • War D Eagle

    War D Eagle


    This is a great place to take your kids of all ages. There is a playground, pool, basketball court, soccer field, tennis, gym and other activities. While kids play, there is a resteraunt/lounge area that provides great food for the parents to hang out in. I went with my kids, parents, my sisters and their kids. While the kids did their own thing we were able to bond without having to worry about them. This is truly family outing and experience

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