Haya Cultural Center de Amman

JordanieHaya Cultural Center



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Al Abdali, Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 6 568 8633
site web: hcc.jo
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9662605, Longitude: 35.8967368

commentaires 5

  • en

    JR Doq


    Nice place for family gathering and kids enjoyment.

  • bpacaci



    They have a small concert hall that could take around 170 people. Amman Jazz Festival is held here; one of the most important events in Amman.

  • en

    Mohammad Abualhaj


    It is a good place to spend ur timr with your kids.

  • Osama Darawsheh

    Osama Darawsheh


    Best kids playing area in Jordan, just with 2 JOD per each you enjoy the weekend with your family, limited green zone... very safe for all kids from 2-12 years. Also there is a theater, global space dome, library, and other... give it a chance and you will not regret it

  • Hamidah Jarrah

    Hamidah Jarrah


    I loved the place out doors but the indoor playing area was not supervised. We had some queries about some games but no one was there. The entrance fee is high. I was with my grandson who is a toddler and the helper and they charged us 6 jd. So I can't go there 3 times a week as I was planning before.

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