Naos of Zeus de Gerasa

JordanieNaos of Zeus


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Gerasa, Jordania
contact téléphone: +962
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Latitude: 32.2770443, Longitude: 35.8903445

commentaires 1

  • Jesús Díaz

    Jesús Díaz


    Here, on the temenos or sacred precinct, the Hellenistic sanctuary and then the first Roman temple to Zeus once stood. Both were built on top of a grotto that was considered sacred since the Bronze Age. The grotto is still visible. An oracular cult was centered here in antiquity, and even emperor Hadrian himself might have sought advice from the oracles that were offered here while wintering in Jerash. Notice the unaligned square building foundations surrounded by the temenos (see review image). That's the Hellenistic Naos' remains from the first or second century BC. The aligned wall lines are 40-50 AD Roman construction. Inscriptions on altars around the structure point to the oracular activity of these premises. From here, find your way to the Temple of Zeus on the top for magnificent views over Jerash.

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