Church of Marianos de ג'רש

JordanieChurch of Marianos


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ג'רש, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 32.2728072, Longitude: 35.8913131

commentaires 5

  • Jesús Díaz

    Jesús Díaz


    Small Byzantine funerary church built in 570 AD with reused hippodrome masonry. The church posseses a fairly intact mosaic floor. The building is easy to miss as you hurry forward towards the hippodrome and the other larger monuments inside the walls of Gerasa. Climb the rise and take a look inside over the walls to enjoy the mosaics. The room right across the Church of Marianos, inside one of the Hippodrome's vaulted chambers, used to be the deacon's house and has a mosaic floor. You can see the mosaic from the fenced out entrance. You can also read a dedicated review in its own Google Maps entry. Take now few minutes to see the rock-cut tombs around the church and check the next review on the Roman cemetery - Southern Necropolis.

  • Bregeon Pascal

    Bregeon Pascal


  • Taymour Saghah

    Taymour Saghah


  • ابو سائد

    ابو سائد


  • de

    Joaquin Erzgraber


    Ein paar schöne Mosaike sind erhalten, ansonsten nichts besonderes

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