Lucca Steak House de Амман

JordanieLucca Steak House



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Амман, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 7 7889 9666
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.95262, Longitude: 35.9049075

commentaires 5

  • Cindy D

    Cindy D


    Rack of lamb was amazing, meatballs and cheese were super-tastey. The serving of sweet potatoes was generous, but don’t bother getting the sautéed vegetables because the serving was tiny. The service was the best I’ve experienced in Amman!

  • Mostafa Khalaf

    Mostafa Khalaf


    Nice and heavy dinner... and they expect deep pockets 😉

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    Joel Robinson


    Great ambiance and the food was incredible. The staff were attentive and expedient with our requests.

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    Mohammed Alzouri


    The best steak I’ve ever eaten. fresh food and very friendly staff and I would like to thanks Mr Ashraf for recommendations. All the best all

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    mohammed nader


    Nice atmosphere, decoration, good service and clean place. On the other hand Appetizers are less than normal, 50% of the steaks in the menu are not available Good meat but there is nothing special about it. The food Portion is small. The deserts are average. Over priced. It is far from being best in town.

Restaurant la plus proche

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