Alia Restaurant de Amman

JordanieAlia Restaurant



🕗 horaire

255, Prince Mohammad St, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 465 0442
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.95487, Longitude: 35.912681

commentaires 5

  • Mohammad Ja'abo

    Mohammad Ja'abo


    جودة اقل من المتوسط مقارنة بفروع مطعم عالية الأخرى

  • en

    Isam Junaidi


    Ok fast food place, used to be better

  • Abdallah Alhamdan

    Abdallah Alhamdan


    If you really want to have a good time and great food,my advice is to go to their branch in Khalda . Other branches sucks

  • Zach Heise

    Zach Heise


    Some very tasty kebab sandwiches and araiys flat 'sandwiches' (for lack of a better term). I used to grab a couple sandwiches here and then get a cocktail down the street at al-borij all the time. Definitely worth a try if you're looking for something different than Schwarma Reem!

  • Mohannad Khurmah

    Mohannad Khurmah


    شاورما اللحم جيد. والمعجنات جيدة. والدجاج المشوي ممتاز

Restaurant la plus proche

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