Fatty Dabs Burger Shack de Amman

JordanieFatty Dabs Burger Shack



🕗 horaire

Abdoun Bridge, Amman, JO Jordania
contact téléphone: +962 7 9607 5204
site web: fattydabsburgershack.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.941517, Longitude: 35.882817

commentaires 5

  • Kyle Kroskey

    Kyle Kroskey


    Good burgers for the money. Does not serve beer. Tacos and other Mexican foods are served on Tuesday and Wednesday. Breakfast specials on Friday and Saturday that are phenomenal. Fresh juices and desserts made in the store. Definitely check this place out if you are in the area

  • Steve G

    Steve G


    Amazing burgers and great service. On Sundays they have a deal for 5JD get any 100 gram Burger, Fries and a drink! You can sit inside or outside. The guys there are great and have some of the best customer service in Amman. I think the fries are among the best I have eaten anywhere.

  • en

    Paul Blakesley


    Simply awesome. Great food, great selection of food. Do not go by initial impression from outside - nor indeed by the basic seating inside. Food is excellent, music great and the vibe amazing.

  • Saif Freitekh

    Saif Freitekh


    the real gem of this place (imo) is their affordable wings. Fresh and they taste amazing. My favorite restaurant in Amman.

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    Aaron Onuska


    Easily my favorite restaurant in Amman. I'm honestly here much too often. Best burgers I've had in a long time, and delicious breakfast. I haven't tried the Mexican yet, but I'll definitely be back to find out. Very friendly staff. I recommend the Royale burger, medium rare. 😍

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