Alia central restaurant de Амман

JordanieAlia central restaurant



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Амман, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 7 9687 1765
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9492779, Longitude: 35.8921533

commentaires 5

  • en

    Ahmad Mustafa


    This restaurant services and servants are the best at being worst , today I ordered super meal and sandwich and the servant was ignoring me for 15 mins before I left the restaurant and they didn’t even care , I felt so offended

  • en

    khaldoun al jundy


    one of the worst visits for me i usually take shawerma to go and its good but if you are planning to go there and sit there trust me just don't its way expencive for what you get they have below average food taste and by taste i meant taste not quality nor clean and the service over there is the worst i had to ask to change the fork 2 times and still its the same hopefully they will change to give them another visit

  • Naser Al-Rashidi

    Naser Al-Rashidi


    عالية المركزي.... مطعم جيد ذو مطل عالدوار في عبدون في الهواء الطلق. مناسب للعوائل و العزاب. شاورمته جيدة جدا. مشوياته ممتازة. عيبه أن طاقم الجرسونات يحتاج للتوطين من أبناء البلد. لكن ادارة صالته ممتازة و دائما عليه الحركة

  • Rahma Hejja

    Rahma Hejja


    I enjoyed my time with family there. I had ice cream, very nice and big 😂 my family loved the food.

  • MoMo



    Food was very tasty and they give a lot too. The stuff was friendly. It's not very expensive for Amman.

Restaurant la plus proche

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