Darat al-Funun دارة الفنون de Amman

JordanieDarat al-Funun دارة الفنون


pas d'information

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Nadim Al-Mallah Street, Amman, JO Jordan
contact téléphone: +962
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9541544, Longitude: 35.9302329

commentaires 5

  • Mujahid Haddad

    Mujahid Haddad


    This place is art!

  • en



    Gorgeous place!

  • •



  • Jesús Díaz

    Jesús Díaz


    Also in the Creative Trail of the neighborhood of Jebel al-Weibdeh in Amman lies Darat al-Funun. Founded in 1993 it houses three traditional buildings of the 1920s, alongside the archaeological remains of a six-century Byzantine church built over a Roman shrine. The main three-floored building of the complex served until 1938 as the official residence of the British Commander of the Arab Legion, Colonel F. G. Peake, and afterwards as a club for the British Officers until 1956. Darat al Funun is a venue for Jordanian artists, poets and musicians as well as those from the Arab world at large. You can drink Turkish coffee on the tables around the fountain in its courtyard.

  • ahmad yousef

    ahmad yousef


    جميل وهادي مكان ممتاز للدراسه او للاستمتاع بالوقت

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