Dar Al-Anda Art Gallery de Amman

JordanieDar Al-Anda Art Gallery



🕗 horaire

3 Derar Ben Al Azwar Street، Amman, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 462 9599
site web: www.daralanda.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.953317, Longitude: 35.928306

commentaires 5

  • Ahmad Nouh

    Ahmad Nouh


    Best place to work inside at the vault and get inspired by the lovely view!

  • ar

    Rawhi Abu Kahlil


    صاله لعرض الوحدات الفنيه بشكل رائع وعصري

  • ar

    Muhammad abuse hassanin


    مكان ثقافي مستحدث تجده هاديء نظيف مرتب . خدمات معارض فنون وفعاليات ونشاطات فنيه وتراثيه مختلفه.يستحق الزياره.

  • firas khayyat

    firas khayyat


    amazing old place built in 1929

  • Jesús Díaz

    Jesús Díaz


    Dar al Anda was founded in 1998 as a project to bring together visual and auditory arts. It is one of the art galleries one can find walking the Creative Trail of the neighborhood of Jebel al-Weibdeh in Amman, Jordan. The views from its terrace over Jebel Amman, the Citadel and the Downtown area are among the most beautiful in the city.

Galerie d'art la plus proche

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