CLSTR de Amman



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Al Hezam Road, Amman, JO Jordan
contact téléphone: +962
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9567131, Longitude: 35.9101429

commentaires 1

  • Lour Rabieh

    Lour Rabieh


    Location:behind zara center near cairo Jordan Bank wadi sakra Ambience: each night of the weekend has a different theme and music. Audience: over 21 years old cool and fancy people. Security: each and every person who enters the club get searched. Couples allowed or 1 lady and 2 Gents Max but the need to go in together in the same time. Cost : entrance is 15 jds, sometime on Thursday nights upon announcing ladies before 10:30 are allowed for free but you need to check. Water is 1jd ,they have a good bar every drink cost is different. Hanging ur jacket 1jd. Notes: Upon entering they will stick a paper bracelet on your hand and stamp your hand. It will get so crowded and very hot inside so come with light clothes and a jacket, I recommend ladies not to wear an open shoes because the floor gets so dirty and wet and alot of people will step on your toes better be safe than sorry. Do not over dress a jeans t-shirt or a simple dress is good for both ladies and gentsand it will get so hot. For sure you will catch in the smell of cigarettes because everyone around you will smokes indoors Enjoy and have fun ask if you need further information

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