Cantaloupe Gastro Pub de Amman

JordanieCantaloupe Gastro Pub



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Rainbow Street, Amman, JO Jordania
contact téléphone: +962 7 7000 0717
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.949468, Longitude: 35.930727

commentaires 5

  • John van Bockxmeer

    John van Bockxmeer


    Top notch rooftop terrace with plenty of tasty cocktails and a view to die for! I loved the sunset here which was matched by friendly staff. Could be more affordable and the bar is quite small which adds to he ambience. If you want dinner this is an upscale place offering western style food.

  • Antonio Castro

    Antonio Castro


    Lugar muy destacable de Amman. Una terraza con unas vistas de noche de la ciudadela espectacular. En cuanto a la comida, un 8 sobre 10. Muy recomendable.

  • en

    Paul Blakesley


    Great location and fantastic view. Menu is wide ranging and reasonably priced. Ambience good. So why only 3 stars? My visit was marred by them getting my order mixed up, bringing me a steak with a peppercorn sauce rather than mushroom one. No problems as they whisked it away - but all they did is wash the steak off and put some fresh veg on; unacceptable. When I pointed this out they offered to recoil from scratch, but by this time everyone else had finished their meal. They did bring us free deserts, but to me the damage had been done; taking short cuts when they had made a mistake. Unacceptable. I will not go back. But this does not mean you should not give it a go.

  • en

    Ryan Olson


    View is the best in town from top balcony, lower is good but not even close to the roof. Roof is only open mid-April through mid-Oct Service is great for Amman. Rooftop bartender Ahmed is awesome. Drinks are heavy pour, but a little pricey. Salads are pretty good, chicken is well cooked. They have limes in the summer (if you know Amman, you know how important this is)!

  • es

    Mahmoud Kakone


    Oh g

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