Auto Nation Rent a Car de Амман

JordanieAuto Nation Rent a Car


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Вади ас-Сир, Амман, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 565 5165
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Latitude: 31.9561002, Longitude: 35.858695

commentaires 5

  • Gina Bylang

    Gina Bylang


    I rented from them 4 times (always different cars) and have never had any issue, bar one car which was a bit dirty on the inside. The staff are helpful and friendly.

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    Ahmad Aljayyousi


    The worst experience ever

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    The worst car rental company!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ They gave me a dangerous and faulty car. The gearbox was finished and the brakes were broken. In addition, two times at two different times. I had to pay for one deck as the other was a spare deck even though we were told the car was missing some they did not help in any way. In addition, we were allowed to get an open contract, but after 20 days they begun calling us a lot !!!!!!! disturbing and desperately wanted the car and money for the car in a hurry. Their agreement did not hold. they are cheating and take money from costumers for S... they give. STAY away from them they are terrible. Neither cars were anywhere close to the appropriate safety standard. If you take your safety and well-being seriously and appreciate good customer service, I’d suggest avoiding this company!!!!!! Shame on you autonation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • أحمد الشهري

    أحمد الشهري


    شباب ذوي ابتسامة

  • Jonny Creighton

    Jonny Creighton


    The worst car rental company I’ve ever used. They gave me a dangerous and faulty car and did everything possible not to exchange it. Finally after several calls and visits they changed the car but I lost almost a full tank of gas. The second car they gave me had no brakes and the car shuttered as it tried to stop with terrible smell coming from the wheels. Neither cars were anywhere close to the appropriate safety standard. If you take your safety and well-being seriously and appreciate good customer service, I’d suggest avoiding this company.

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