Al-Pasha Turkish Bath de Amman

JordanieAl-Pasha Turkish Bath


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Ali Mahmud Taha, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 463 3002
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9475739, Longitude: 35.9286979

commentaires 5

  • Scott Crooks

    Scott Crooks


    Marvelous experience! I was a first timer, and they were very nice and accommodating. Make sure to bring swim shorts, a change of clothes for afterwards, and to drink plenty of water before and during the experience.

  • en

    Amy Donaldson


    This place is absolute bliss!! The staff are friendly and incredibly helpful to foreigners. At almost two hours, it included a very hot stream room (accompanied by a delicious hibiscus slushie), followed by a hot spa, scrub, massage, and finally a sauna. I opted to get the face mask too. The hamam itself is gorgeous - budgerigars sing and fly around freely in an early 20 century vibe cafe/waiting area

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    Paul Blakesley


    My wife loved this place. Segregated (by time) so you cannot go as a family, but she had a great treatment for about 25 GBP. Allow a couple of hours to ensure you get the full experience.

  • Philippe de BOISSEZON

    Philippe de BOISSEZON


    Hôtel très sympathique qui a l'avantage considérable de se situer au coeur de la vieille ville. Il possède également un petit service de tourisme qui peut vous aider à organiser votre séjour dans le pays.

  • it

    Antonio Valenzano


    Bagno turco antico nel centro di Amman. Struttura bella ed ottimo percorso benessere. Il percorso completo prevede bagno turco, idromassaggio, scrab (integrale), massaggio e bagno turco. Lasciano un po' a desiderare la pulizia ed i sevizi.

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