The Boutique Hotel Amman de Amman

JordanieThe Boutique Hotel Amman



🕗 horaire

down town,prince mohamad stree,building 32، Amman, Jordania
contact téléphone: +962 7 9797 0611
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.952601, Longitude: 35.930676

commentaires 5

  • ko



    신식 건물의 호텔을 기대한다면 실망할 수 있습니다. 하지만 여기는 old town입니다. 가격이 저렴치는 않으나 이곳 물가가 다 그렇습니다... 감안하면 깨끗한 시설을 유지하고 있습니다. 위치상 시타델이나 로만씨어터 걸어서도 접근이 가능하여 좋고 근처에 음식점도 많이 있습니다. 무엇보다 리셉션의 애디 아저씨는 유쾌하고 언제나 도움을 줍니다. 저와 아내는 더 머물고 싶었으나 예약이 꽉 차 나왔네요. 추천합니다.

  • Vincent Chan – NZ

    Vincent Chan – NZ


    If you are looking for a place to stay in Amman look no further. Book here. We loved the Boutique Hotel. The staff were so friendly (Ali Nasser was awesome); the room was nice and adequate; the wifi had a strong signal; the location is just outside the city centre and like a 2 minute walk down the street; parking right next to the place costs 3JOD; and the place is nice and secure, a coded gate gets you upstairs and there is a security guard at the bottom at all hours. Everything is just a big tick for this place. FANTASTIC!!!!!

  • Paige Kuo

    Paige Kuo


    A small nice hotel right in downtown. The owner is really nice. We stay one night in double the other night in dorm. Go for the private ones, it's decent clean. The dorm is downstairs and you have to go upstair to use the sanitary facilities which is a bit inconvenient. But you got what you paid for~still good for a short stay

  • Pako Alcaraz

    Pako Alcaraz


    Excelente opción, precios asequibles y excelente trato por parte del dueño. Me ayudó en todo momento. Para la próxima optaría por la habitación privada, ya que la diferencia es mínima.

  • Moy Azpeytia

    Moy Azpeytia


    El servicio es inmejorable tu estadia incluye desayuno arabe, te dejo una imagen el unico pero que pongo es la calidad de las instalaciones, no dejes el carro en la calle mejor paga 4 jd por todo el dia en el estacionamiento de atras

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