Al-mororiyah Park de עמאן

JordanieAl-mororiyah Park



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עמאן, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 7 9517 8464
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9852597, Longitude: 35.8627797

commentaires 5

  • en

    Odai Marie


    Very good Nice place

  • ar

    Naeem Alghool


    مكان بشكل عام جميل جدا. ولكن ينقصه متابعه الحراس القائمين عليه. حديقه جدا جميله وتتميز بنظافتها وموقعها.

  • Dr. Saher Manaseer

    Dr. Saher Manaseer


    An average level play area with some motorcycle experience for kids at a reasonable price of 0.4 jd for the games and 0.10 jd for entrance of the park. Don't go on a windy day because all the sands in the park

  • Bastian Mueller

    Bastian Mueller


    The car racing looks cool. The playground is Abit small. All in all could be cleaner. However, it is fairly cheap.

  • Mouath Shalabi

    Mouath Shalabi


    A good place to rest with your kids to let them move, play, run, and change regular playing.

Parc la plus proche

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