Agora de Jerash



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Jerash, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 32.2787892, Longitude: 35.8909443

commentaires 5

  • Jesús Díaz

    Jesús Díaz


    This the Macellum of Jerash or marketplace (particularly vegetables and meat) which dates to the second half of the 2nd century AD. Shops are arranged on both sides of the main Cardo entrance, facing both flanking streets and also around the octagonal shaped central fountain square. As you enter, you can see that on one of the huge columns facing the Cardo the word 'agora' was inscribed into it. One of the shops at the opposite end of the entrance has animal carvings on stone table legs. The huge stone table top nearby has marks and scratches from centuries of chopping with knives. During the Byzantine and Umayyad periods, many of the shops around the octagonal courtyard were converted into tanneries. You can still see the vats inside the tannery shops North of the fountain. After a wander around, retrace your steps to the Cardo Maximus and continue North to the next building: the Umayyad-Abbasid Congregational Mosque.

  • if24



    Site within Jerash

  • Omar Mahassneh

    Omar Mahassneh


    Notice that not all places are mentioned on Maps

  • Esam Super

    Esam Super


    Amaaaazing place

  • Mohannad Safadi

    Mohannad Safadi


    Beautiful, it was once a thriving market with a beautiful fountain in the center. Great to see how stores were subdivided and well organized. Also, there is some stores where you can tell what once existed there by their statues that still reside there.

Point d'intérêt la plus proche

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