Sand Rose Camp(Hillawi Camp) de Aqaba Governorate

JordanieSand Rose Camp(Hillawi Camp)


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Aqaba Governorate, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 7 9590 4441
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plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 29.6383743, Longitude: 35.5051573

commentaires 5

  • es

    mar camano


    Patética estancia, lo peor de mi vida, habiendo pagado estancia de lujo. Dejo fotografías

  • en

    Silvia B


    Nice location but very overpriced, accommodation is not in tents but adobe rooms covered with fabric, the beds and rooms are very basic, cannot be locked; food is mediocre and the night performance was a joke - it was a disco in the desert. Not at all what we expected. Nothing authentic. The landscape though is stunning and staff was nice. The trips into the desert were well worth the visit but I'd recommend staying in a different camp that is smaller and more authentic.

  • aayesha que

    aayesha que


    Food was not that much delicious, but camp is quite entertaining, they provide Shisha, and drinks, but they have problem with toilets, it was not clean and number of toilets were not enough

  • en

    Dana M


    Location is nice and staff are friendly. Place is clean but the food is not the best. 2 types of rooms with different prices, one fancier than the other. Activities at night are light hearted and the fire ties the experience together to make it a memorable one.

  • Michelle Curtin Weigold

    Michelle Curtin Weigold


    We came here with a tour group, and were disappointed by the facilities. Of course the desert views are spectacular, but the "tents" were actually concrete structures with no air flow at all. We spent the evening roasting hot in the boxes (which registered 95 degrees F on our thermostat watch), only able to briefly fall asleep thanks to a fan in the room. The temperature and breeze outside was much more comfortable. The bathroom and beds were average, but the heat is what it made a bad experience. The dinner was traditional food, which was good- but the drinks were crazy pricey, and the blaring Arabic music until midnight took away from the "nature/get away from it all" atmosphere that it could have had.

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