Rahayeb Desert Camp de Wadi Rum

JordanieRahayeb Desert Camp



🕗 horaire

Disi, Protected Area, Wadi Rum, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 3 205 8557
site web: www.rahayebdc.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 29.6277636, Longitude: 35.4894125

commentaires 5

  • Divya Chethan

    Divya Chethan


    Camp is beautiful with great surrounding. We had chosen a package of all which includes jeep ride towards the sunset point and camel safari in the morning. The property is very well maintained. The food is good too and ambience is so worth the experience. The rooms are spacious with clean toilets. But the icing of the experience for us was the courteous people there. The staff is really helpful and humble. Even the drivers appointed for the safari were so well trained and courteous guiding us and helping us through the safari. The whole experience was simply mind blowing. I highly recommend a stay here!

  • Nadia Sosio

    Nadia Sosio


    Campo tendato nel wadi rum , molto spartano, alcune tende con il bagno, noi siamo capitati senza quindi tenda con tre grande..anche il mangiare molto limitato..in compenso bagni in comune molto belli

  • Swapna Nair

    Swapna Nair


    Lovely place. Wish it had a fan inside the tent. It was pretty warm in March. Otherwise a good place to stay.

  • en

    Bjay Larson


    Wonderful place to stay or rest when you come along the way. They serve special food, which they prepare in a special Ofen covered in sand. An oasis in Wadi Rum with super clean showers and toilets. The Beduinen-style tents are just perfect to hang out and relax. A great experience also for the hole family. It is also possible to book camels tours to the nearby Lawrence canyon.

  • Steve Shields

    Steve Shields


    Of all the camps at Wadi Rum the Rahayeb is (IMHO) the best located. Nestled neatly between a rugged range of rocky outcrops and a giant dune you’ll probably need a guide to find it (it’s invisible until you reach it). Thoughtfully appointed, clean and professionally managed, the food was genuinely excellent and the accommodation comfortable. The only thing preventing a 5 star review was the blaring ‘music’ (aka ‘discordant tooting and wailing’) so here’s a tip for the owners: help your guests to enjoy the peace of the deserts by turning the tunes off... or at least reducing the volume/ridiculous reverb to tolerable levels.

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