Deart Hally Restaurant مطعم ديرة هلي de Amman

JordanieDeart Hally Restaurant مطعم ديرة هلي



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Badr AjJadidah, Amman, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 7 9800 2040
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9848055, Longitude: 35.800989

commentaires 5

  • Khaled Qattawi

    Khaled Qattawi


    The place is cozy and nice. The food was OK. I have had better food for cheaper price compared to this place.

  • Ammar Badran

    Ammar Badran


    They have very nice atmosphere, their service is medium, prices are unexpectedly high and you'll pay for everything higher price than it deserves. I would recommend visiting it at least once

  • Aws Najjar

    Aws Najjar


    Very comfy and guy groups friendly while still being a place for family and couples. A bit pricey but I find it worth the spend!

  • Alaa Shehadeh

    Alaa Shehadeh


    Good location, nice food, but need more different dishes and we asked for set outside but they told us not ready and after around 15 mins we found they open it for different people, i found it rude

  • Jihad Hashim

    Jihad Hashim


    Very disappointing, Photos do not reflect actual situation. Service is far below standards. Even with pre-reservation and confirmation the table was not ready! Sometimes even with a crowded situation proper reception and welcoming may ease the shock. General opinion: will not come back.

Restaurant la plus proche

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