Crumz de Amman




🕗 horaire

Al Firdaws, Amman, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 541 3230
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9946944, Longitude: 35.8124256

commentaires 5

  • ar

    Tahani Al-Hilly


    غالبا ما يكون المكان الانسب لقعدة بسيطة و هادئة لفنجان قهوة المكان جدا هادئ، القعدة مريحة، المشروبات الساخنة طعمها غني لكن بصراحة العصائر لا انصح بها عن تجربتي بوقتها كان عصير ليمون مع نعناع تجربة سيئة. الاكل، ما بحب اكل عندهم لانه يتوفر عندهم لحم خنزير.

  • Khalil Alami

    Khalil Alami


    Went for a quick coffee to go and after ordering and paying, they bring the coffee without a cover, saying sorry we don't have covers!!! A coffee shop shouldn't run out of covers but, I understand that sometimes it happens. But Big fail on how they handled it. Not even any suggested solutions.

  • Lara Haddadin

    Lara Haddadin


    Good.. has been better with huge competition around

  • en

    Reem Maayta


    Great food and baked goods. Friendly environment for a morning coffee or breakfast

  • en

    Aroob Al Hyari


    Cozy place one of my favorites, food is great.. Highly recommended for ladies gathering

Restaurant la plus proche

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