Zait & Zatar Super Store de Amman

JordanieZait & Zatar Super Store



🕗 horaire

5, Bloudan St, Amman, JO Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 6 592 4520
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9424328, Longitude: 35.9034682

commentaires 5

  • en

    Samir Hassuneh


    Decent prices anything you can imagine is there fish meat chicken bathroom supplies cleaning supplies junk food healthy food fruits vegetables and cheeses it's all there, not a lot of people there so you can go relaxed and you don't need to fancy up

  • Fadia Yaghmour

    Fadia Yaghmour


    A little over priced but on the other hand it is super comfort to shop there .

  • en

    Gorgui Niokhor Diouf


    Great place within your neighborhood where you find what you need

  • Izzeddin Alzoubi

    Izzeddin Alzoubi


    Clean and well arranged, weekly super offers are plus, points programme is a great idea

  • M Aboud

    M Aboud


    Great store, good variety of products, diary products, eggs, good produce, great customers services, convenient location, friendly and professional staff, reasonable and affordable prices, clean and organized.

Supermarché la plus proche

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