Yousef Afandi يوسف أفندي de Amman

JordanieYousef Afandi يوسف أفندي



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Wadi As-Seir, Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 6 582 3291
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9666858, Longitude: 35.8447547

commentaires 5

  • en

    Ali Nobani


    Great spot to get your hair cut

  • en

    Hareth Hmoud


    Excellent design and barbers

  • Rad Al'Qudah

    Rad Al'Qudah


    Great service, nice design, relaxing atmosphere

  • Sulieman Awad

    Sulieman Awad


    Monti gave a very nice experience and look.

  • Tamer Hashem

    Tamer Hashem


    The gents got the “marketing bull” right when you check their website. However, I believe they lack real experience as barbers. The least you expect when a barber says “a clean shave” is to receive it. The reality, I had cleaner shave at home. On the other hand, they dip your face with chemical stuff you don’t know what is it to end up with allergic face like mine now! You need to try once to form your opinion and mine is that was the first and last visit.

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