Yaldez Palace de Amman

JordanieYaldez Palace



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عمان الشميساني الشريف ناصر بن جميل، Amman, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 568 8777
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.97965, Longitude: 35.891121

commentaires 5

  • en

    Faisal Saleh


    Nice to eat in, nearby and good quality food

  • Ashraf Al-Salhi

    Ashraf Al-Salhi


    Very decent food and service..

  • en

    Lama Nakhleh


    This restaurant is one of my favourite restaurant in Amman. It has the best food and the best ambience whether you've chosen to sit indoors or on the outdoor terrace. The staff is friendly and professional. I love going back here every time.

  • en

    R Al Yousufi


    Of the best restaurants in Amman. Good selection of food. Great seating area.

  • Carlos Antoranz

    Carlos Antoranz


    Nice place with good food. Not expensive.

Restaurant la plus proche

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