عيادات العطار لطب الأسنان - Attar Dental Clinics de Amman

Jordanieعيادات العطار لطب الأسنان - Attar Dental Clinics



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الطابق الأول، بناية رقم 5، شارع الجاردنز (وصف التل), Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 6 553 3144
site web: www.attar-dental.net
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.982703, Longitude: 35.892956

commentaires 5

  • en

    Rima Shweikeh


    Doctor Yasmin Attar is a great doctor. She and her fabulous staff . Very professional and considerate. She has been my dentist for the last ten years

  • en

    Tijana Djukic


  • Fayez Bawab

    Fayez Bawab


  • en

    Ali Ismail


    At the time I visited, there were 2 dentists in this clinic, I am only reviewing Dr.Yasmeen Al Attar, All the teeth she worked on had to have root canal therapy afterwards because I believe she uses high speed drilling with no proper use of water cooling, the bites were never right, her root canal therapy isn't great as well and it seems I might have to redo it at a specialist again.

  • bebsa6a ببساطة

    bebsa6a ببساطة


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