Wildberry de Amman




🕗 horaire

Front of Ras Beirut Snacks,، Amman, Jordania
contact téléphone: +962 7 9229 1845
site web: www.facebook.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9566412, Longitude: 35.9263192

commentaires 5

  • ameer almasri

    ameer almasri


    المكان هادي و مرتب

  • Abdurrahman Bapir

    Abdurrahman Bapir


    Really friendly staff, super nice and cozy seating environment indoors and nice design outdoors. However, it is not a super big place, as you can see in the photos. If you are craving something sweet, this is the place to go. Everything is so yummy! They have great tea collection, coffee, juices and other beverages. I love this place, and I am gonna give it 5/5.

  • Moeen Awad

    Moeen Awad


    ممتاز جدا جدا طعم رائعة و سعر مناسب

  • Sewar Al Beshawi

    Sewar Al Beshawi


    The best hot chocolate for me I simply love it but they need comfortable chairs hope to see that soon

  • Qutadah AlKhateeb

    Qutadah AlKhateeb


    Great coffee taste, well baked Waffle's and crepe's , Great menu and different choices to add as flavor of the waffle and crepe. Great Tea collection, Indoor and outdoor seats, Quiet and cozy .

Café la plus proche

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