Watar Ziryab (previously zuwadeh) de Эль-Балка

JordanieWatar Ziryab (previously zuwadeh)



🕗 horaire

contact téléphone: +962 7 7007 0050
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 32.0109372, Longitude: 35.7678875

commentaires 5

  • en

    Fadi Rabadi


    Great Restaurant with quick service.Delicious food with well - made spiritual drinks

  • ar

    ahmad durgham


    ممتاز ..الاكل طيب ..الخدمة ممتازة..الأجواء رائعة..بس الطاولات كثيرة و قريبة على بعض

  • en

    Dana Issa


    So beautiful... Very good food.. Service and decorations

  • en

    Amr Nabil


    Very nice restaurant,, excellent food .. fantastic decorating place like you in historical house... Good music..

  • Arwa Al-Mahrouq

    Arwa Al-Mahrouq


    Was horrible!!!!! I have reserved a table for me and my friends.. and after driving one hour to reach them we had our seats and started ordering.. they told us that there will be a cover charge 20 JD per person “which they didn’t even mention when I called them on the same day to book our table” It was sooooo embarrassing that they let us yo leave the place and didn’t even apologize or stop us.. because we didn’t want to order for dinner!!!! That was extremely rude.. I’ll never ever go there again in my life!!!!

Restaurant la plus proche

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