Vu's Cafe de Amman

JordanieVu's Cafe


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

Al-Rainbow Street, Amman, JO Jordan
contact téléphone: +962
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.94924, Longitude: 35.9277016

commentaires 5

  • Birgit Mitchell

    Birgit Mitchell


    Great place for music and nightlife. Helpful, nice, friendly staff. Great music and performers. Incredible views!! Good food,& drinks, & lots of shisha available, but still Fresh air.😉😎 At night, might want to bring a wrap or sweater, sometimes a touch chilly after September. There is a lower floor with video feed thats warmer.(green in pictures)

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    Service could be much better

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    Micheal Giacaman


    the place is beautiful but the service i not that good

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    Mohammad Hasan


    Cool but very expensive place

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    very poor customer service we waited 15 mins to order. the place was empty by the way...

Café la plus proche

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