طلة اللويبدة Tallet Al Weibdeh de Amman

Jordanieطلة اللويبدة Tallet Al Weibdeh



🕗 horaire

Al-Baouneyah Street, Amman, JO Jordanien
contact téléphone: +962 7 9032 8925
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9565949, Longitude: 35.9264265

commentaires 5

  • en

    walid Anzawi


    As long as the owner was available, service was excellent, but afterwards, was not ok.

  • Mounir Daoud

    Mounir Daoud


    Argeleh taste amazing even though I'm not a fan of it, drinks are fine nothing too special, but the atmosphere is awesome

  • ar

    Anas Ahmed


    من اجمل الاماكن. تعامل راقي. اسعار مقبولة

  • en

    Mona Nimri


    Their special juice.. Mango passion fruit with orange is really refreshing... Sweet staff..

  • Alex George

    Alex George


    A very nice place to sit and talk with friends. We ordered a milkshake and a Turkish coffee. Prices are within a reasonable range (4JD for milkshake, 2.5JD for coffee). However, if you come from Europe like me (Greece), this is more than what you normally pay, especially for Turkish coffee. Anyway, the price is not the reason I give it 4 stars instead of 5 but actually the service! I think it can be better, my friend had to go and ask for a menu, and the same thing happened with water. I only visit it once and it was late at night, so I'm not sure if the service is always like that. I recommend you this place and I will definitely come back if I had the opportunity before I leave.

Café la plus proche

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