The Hashemite Plaza de Amman

JordanieThe Hashemite Plaza



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Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
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Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Al-Hashemi Street, Amman, JO Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 7 8580 1136
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9522646, Longitude: 35.9389907

commentaires 5

  • Khaled abu rabea

    Khaled abu rabea


    I like the view from the top of the theater, And the museums of folklore give a good idea about things used by people in the past.

  • Hussien Abu Farash

    Hussien Abu Farash


    An excellent ancient place. Whare the Roman Theater stand in the city center of Amman. You can have a good time there, where you find many of foreign visitors from all over the world and of the local citizens. It's a nice place for all. Many coffee shops are available there, where you find sheesha, coffee and tea. It's suitable for all ages. At the Roman Theater; you can visit the Jordanian museum and you can enjoy the experience of having a round in the Roman Theater and the city center. It's a very good experience that I supported to have it for vistors from a round the world or even for local citizens. At the city center, you'll find many local restaurants where you can enjoy Homous and Foul (the traditional meal in Jordan). Also, you can make your shopping at the city center where everything you are looking for are available. Don't hesitate and make it.

  • Divakar Reddy Maddhi

    Divakar Reddy Maddhi


    A historical place with Roman amphi theatre of ages old intact till can test the sound revolving like surround sound system of today but for their architectural wonders... There’s a museum in the plaza showing the ancient Roman civilisation and style of living A good place to hangout with friends and have wonderful time in the middle of the city...

  • Yoyo Wong

    Yoyo Wong


    Though it is located besides the monuments of Roman Theatres, it is indeed a very local plaza that you can have Shay(Tea), Shisha and lots of kids surrounding you. I came here at Ramadan so the locals' activities continued even after the midnight. It is a good place to chill after dinner.

  • ZIA _

    ZIA _


    Great place. I went there at night and its hard to get good pictures. I saw the entrance fee booth but i'm not sure if it's open for public. The booth was closed. It would be great if we can enter the amni theatre.

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