The Good Bookshop i Amman

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JordanThe Good Bookshop



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Halim Abu Rahmah Street, Amman, JO Jordan
kontakter telefon: +962 6 461 3939
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.9486732, Longitude: 35.9279319

kommentar 5

  • en

    Aya Khalifeh


    A very cozy place where you can study or read and drink sth . And the staff are very friendly

  • en

    Issam Nemeh


    Smoke free atmosphere, professional people and friendly, diversified books available, cozy place with a unique small coffee corner, clean and tide.

  • Shafeeq Alsadi

    Shafeeq Alsadi


    It’s actually average bookshop. The place is cozy, modern, and tidy. Their coffee is great but unfortunately They don’t have variety of books. I like it more as a coffee house.

  • Deema Soud

    Deema Soud


    This place makes u feel comfortable it's so quiet in the morning They have kids activities and lots of books

  • en

    Amber Montgomery


    A cute little book shop. Not many options but one of the better book shops of the few in Amman. Also love this place because it's a quiet and low key place to study that not many know about. There's a small cafe with coffee and a few snacks and tables both inside and in the private courtyard outside. Wifi isn't the strongest however but if you're looking for a place to go, read and relax, this is it.

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