The Cave Bar de Маан

JordanieThe Cave Bar



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Маан, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 3 215 6266
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 30.3237453, Longitude: 35.4669956

commentaires 5

  • Marisa Raduenzel

    Marisa Raduenzel


    I would give this bar zero stars if it were possible. The service is terrible! A few girls waited for over half an hour just to get two glasses of wine and I had to wait half an hour just to order my food (a simple bowl of pasta) which took about 45 minutes to get to me. I strongly encourage you to find a different bar if you are considering eating at this one.

  • Precedent fdoul

    Precedent fdoul


    مطعم كهف البار Cave Bar يقع في مدينة البترا بجوار فندق واستراحة القست هاوس ويمتاز المطعم بمكانة الرائع داخل كهف يعود للعصور النبطية . هذا ويقام فيه الحفلات الغنائية والسهرات والحفلات التراثية والكثير الكثير ..

  • fr

    LEDOUX Guillaume


    Agréable halte après une journée sur le site de Pétra.

  • en

    Stephanie H


    I had high hopes for this place as the ratings were so great but the service was terrible. The food was mediocre at best. The fries we had with or extremely dry falafel were barely warm. And they told me they didn’t have hummus to give me to add to it... even though it’s on the menu. The setting is pretty fantastic though. It’s a great view and ambiance. Go for drinks don’t bother eating there.

  • it

    stefano sciascia


    Bar spettacolare all interno di una tomba nabatea di 2000 anni fa. Ottimo per rilassarsi un po dopo I km nel deserto........ Peccato per l atteggiamento in po seccato dei camerieri....ho solo chiesto un tè !!!

Bar la plus proche

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