The Cake Shop Lounge de Amman

JordanieThe Cake Shop Lounge



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24, Naeem Abd Al Hadi St, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 556 3738
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9728153, Longitude: 35.879336

commentaires 5

  • Moutaz Jwiehan

    Moutaz Jwiehan


    Loads of options with very good collections of sweets , mainly eastern style

  • Semaa Alobaidi

    Semaa Alobaidi


    The decoraction so sweet and lovely all in pink and floral , for food you can go anytime on the day and find a delicious food I loved the pizza and fettuccine for salads I prefer Caesar salad , for desserts I can't choose because everything is so tasty cakes , cheesecake lotus and molten cake with ice cream are a must !

  • en

    Tarek Kiblawi


    Awesome place. Their mobile app and frquent rewards are really good.

  • Leen Al-shawahin

    Leen Al-shawahin


    All PINK everything! The cutest and nicest girly themed places in Amman. It’s very pink and floral. You feel like you’re sitting in a doll house which is so nice and makes you feel so girl. They serve both desserts and main dishes. Also, they have a breakfast menu. My personal favorite is their rainbow cake 🌈

  • ar

    Hussam Khalek


    حابب احكيلكم عن زيارتي لَ cake shop اللي في الرابيه...عزمت زوجتي في عيد ميلادها ...تبع الفاليه منه لله خربلنا الطلعه...بده نصف عنده فاليه بالغصب و صار يهدد ..لدرجة انه دخل جوَّه المحل وامام الجميع ..طبعا احنا صافين امام المحل ورفضت أعطيه مفتاحي ...وسألت عن المدير ...طلع تبع الفاليه بيعرفهم..و حكوا ما دخلنا...اخدت تلفون المالك ...حكيت معه حكالي انه مشغول وبيحكي معي طبعا ما حكى ...رنيت بعد كم يوم بطل يرد.. يا عيب الشوم👎👎

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