Texas Chicken de Amman

JordanieTexas Chicken



🕗 horaire

Baraka, Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 6 566 4444
site web: www.texaschickenfeedback.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 32.0000423, Longitude: 35.8737946

commentaires 5

  • The king no one Dmdjdj

    The king no one Dmdjdj


    The Taste of the spicy chicken is my favorite...good luck

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    Zafaf tayeh


    Fast clean and services are amazing

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    Khaled Issa


    They offered good options and their recipe is awesome.

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    khaldoun al jundy


    clean with above average taste but still didn't get the 5 stars but its like no 3 in jordan

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    Jad Jad


    One of the best friend checked franchises in the Jordanian market, however not excellent.

Restaurant la plus proche

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