Sun City Camp de Wadi Rum

JordanieSun City Camp



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Wadi Rum، ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 7 9566 6673
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plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 29.656908, Longitude: 35.479593

commentaires 5

  • en

    Suha Hadidi


    Best Glamping Trip Ever! We immensely enjoyed our stay at Sun City Camp. The Martian tents have ac and they are clean with en suite bathrooms complete with running hot and cold water. The food was by far the best I’ve had and the staff was friendly and extremely accommodating. I highly recommend Sun City Camp and please do the safari to explore Wadi Rum and be treated to a nice cup of tea in a tent! Thanks to Sultan and his staff we had the experience of a lifetime!!!

  • it

    Cartolibreria Mameli


    Sono stato ospite in questo campo, esperienza mozzafiato. stanze in ordine e comode, oltre che pulizia. Cibo ottimo ed abbondante: il loro sistema di cottura molto particolare rende il cibo buonissimo! sperienza da ripetere come il giro del Wadi Rom in jeep.... peccato sia cosi lontana. Luigi Sona

  • Khalid AlKhalaqi

    Khalid AlKhalaqi


    Something new, totally new experience. I stayed in their new Martian tents. Pros: - Very clean, more than my expectations. - Food is really good “buffet” included with the room. “Full Board”. - Room bathroom is clean and towel is provided. - The water supply is perfect with good pressure. I know many people will ask about this. - AC is available. Cons: - nothing at all. Highly recommended.

  • en

    Usman Ahmad


    Great place, easy to get to. Fantastic facilities, even in the middle of the desert. Really comfy beds, very clean and with great performance AC. Food was amazing and really good service. Drinks aren't too expensive. Just watch out for mosquitoes, so make sure you get some repellent spray/cream but apart from that was really awesome. Definitely recommend to others.

  • Claudio Rossi

    Claudio Rossi


    Camp con un atmosfera davvero magica all'interno del deserto del Wadi rum. Colpiscono in particolare le tende "Martian", dei veri e propri alloggi proiettati nel futuro che però si cammuffano molto bene col colore della sabbia. All'interno una camera con bagno molto spaziosa, oserei dire di lusso visto il posto in cui ci si trova. Tutte dotate di condizionatore e frigo bar e servizi completamente funzionanti, valgono sicuramente il prezzo pagato. Molto suggestiva la cena a buffet, dove vengono serviti pollo e agnello cotti letteralmente sotto terra.

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