Starbucks de Amman




🕗 horaire

JO University, Amman, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 7 9160 0329
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 32.013708, Longitude: 35.869147

commentaires 5

  • en

    Ruba Halasa


    Unlicensed valet company is taking over the parking, they usually back off whenever you ask to see their permit. The place is small and cozy, usually quiet, suitable for small group meetings.

  • chang-hung tai

    chang-hung tai



  • en

    Aroob Al Hyari


    Small place but great location..

  • Laith Younes

    Laith Younes


    Small coffee shop with minimal seating. Large windows around the front & side of the shop provide good natural lighting.

  • Sufyan Jabr

    Sufyan Jabr


    Nice experience... i noticed that the coffee taste in cappuccino is little stronger than Starbucks standards.. Also the service can improve... Cleaning and customer service... Picture show sample of low service.

Café la plus proche

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