Starbucks de Amman




🕗 horaire

Wadi As-Seir, Amman, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 7 9926 3169
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9660184, Longitude: 35.8449799

commentaires 5

  • Qusay Smadi

    Qusay Smadi


    Best coffee place in Amman, Americano cup is my favorite, mocha, Latte, cappuccino , all the menu is delicious except cold drinks

  • Ala Qayet

    Ala Qayet


    Great coffee Calm atmosphere still the chairs are that comfy

  • Mohammad Abusamak

    Mohammad Abusamak


    Friendly staff. Same regular menus with good quality and value for the money مكان مريح للدراسة

  • saeed rahhal

    saeed rahhal


    If you want to get a good cup of coffee, chill, or read a book, then this is the choice.

  • Mostafa Khalaf

    Mostafa Khalaf


    A good atmosphere and good coffee... so all in all a perfect experience

Café la plus proche

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