Speedy Wash self service laundry de Amman

JordanieSpeedy Wash self service laundry



🕗 horaire

Suwaylem Al-Huwaytat Street, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 7 9736 5815
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9497429, Longitude: 35.8717671

commentaires 5

  • Deema Soud

    Deema Soud


    They don't clean your car very well

  • en

    Rowena Tanquilan


    Done my laundry. Thank God Karaban kc watching machine nmin eh

  • en

    معن العبادي


    Great launromat. Best in town.

  • 洪欣隆



    Great place for visitors to do laundry. 5GD washing and 2GD drying.

  • en

    Nabeel Bondoq


    great laundromat, exactly like in the US, although they are the only laundromat in Amman they have new washers and automatic payment cash machine which accepts coins and banknotes. they also have free WIFI there, actually it was more than I expected to find here in Amman. I love it.

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