Soul Food de Amman

JordanieSoul Food



🕗 horaire

Balbak Street, Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 7 9000 7685
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.949909, Longitude: 35.872316

commentaires 5

  • reef mohsen

    reef mohsen


    Food is amazing, worth the try. A pleasure to see chef Moe. Mohsen working there!

  • Loay Abu Marar

    Loay Abu Marar


    The dishes are quaint but it is worth it. The staff always smiling and the restaurant management is exceptionally successful

  • Anthony Pusatory

    Anthony Pusatory


    These are, hands down, the best burgers in town. If you like the smash burger style of Shake Shack or Five Guys, this is your place. Their couscous tabouleh is also amazing.

  • Haneen Sousa

    Haneen Sousa


    Their beef tacos are exceptional! I've never had something like this before! The combination of Sriracha and mangos is just mouth watering! Five stars for the beef tacos, three stars for their Rumor slider which was a bit ordinary! Overall, great staff, strangely delicious food! Bravo!

  • rushdi obeidat

    rushdi obeidat


    Based on my experience's top 10 rated restaurant in Amman. Much much recommended..avoid going on Fridays and Saturdays. I wish if they can move to a bigger place or expand the current one.

Restaurant la plus proche

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