Smart Buy de Jordan

JordanieSmart Buy



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contact téléphone: +962 6 580 9999
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Latitude: 31.9890571, Longitude: 35.8938169

commentaires 5

  • Khalid M. Lutfi

    Khalid M. Lutfi


    Poor warranty, poor service , affordable prices

  • Shareef Milhem

    Shareef Milhem


    Bad service, they don’t help the customers. And even if you have the receipt they refuse to return or exchange the product, employees there are not professionals and they don’t know how to deal with the customers whom are willing to spend hundreds and you can feel that they will fight you at a certain point

  • brad zatar

    brad zatar


    You can find almost allo kinds of electronics. With best prices.

  • Samir Maher

    Samir Maher


    Great value, when purchasing special offer items. I just bought a 13 kg A+++ Automatic brand-name washing machine for 1/3 of the market price. Was JD660, reduced to 330, tax and delivery included. They have a wide selection of electronic and home appliances. All under full warrantee. I didn't give 5 stars, because there is room for improvement.

  • Ford



    Good Average prices Good stuff Good promotions

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